Okay, so this is a totally new experience for me...this whole blogging thing. I was undecided on if I should do it or not, but thanks to my good friend Pacolicious, I decided...why not! And many others urged as well, so thanks...you pushed me enough to say FINE..I"LL DO IT! :) Plus, it is a good way for me to document the new chapter in our life, that is about to begin in oooohhh about 2 months from now. I hope that I don't bore you with the crazy antics of Glenn and I, but I can say, it will be a fun ride.
Today was the first communications with our true assigned sponsor from Italy. He's a wonderful Commander that has been there for 3 years and loving it. When I told him we did not have children, he then emailed quickly to tell us that we should consider living off base. This truly changes the dynamics of our thinking for the past year. We were under the assumption we had to live ON base, but if we do not...well then...ummmm....Many things to think about, and I received WONDERFUL feedback from my good friends that almost all suggested we live off base and enjoy TRUE Italian living. I mean...the thought of living in a great little community with an open air market that I can walk and get fresh fruits, veggies, pasta and wine? And all kinds of restaurants in walking distance...oh my gosh, can you say WONDERFUL? And dreamy? So, it is yet to be determined, but we are leaning towards living off the economy. More on that to come.
Stay tuned to see what we decide.
Truly can not believe that it is almost July. This starts the month of non stop craziness. Fun craziness, but nonetheless, craziness. Stay tuned for most postings on what the future holds in the Dietrick household. Oh and needless to say, Trinity Cat is NOT looking forward to the upcoming move. She is very content here in sunny San Diego. I think she will fit right in with the Italian culture though!